The Only Way to Archive iMessage

Advanced Features

Capabilities that enable you to meet your compliance obligations.
No Data Loss

In our experience, putting lots of users onto a Mac results in data loss from 20-30% of accounts over the course of a year. We don't do that.

No Compliance Gaps

If your employees change their AppleID passwords and send/receive messages before they re-authenticate, those missing messages get archived once they reconnect.

Federated Authentication

If you're using one of Apple's supported 3rd party SSO partners like Microsoft Entra (aka Azure), and/or a 3rd party MFA solution, we've got you covered.

Historical Messages

We're able to go back and capture iMessages that have been sent and received even before your onboarding date.

WhatsApp Included

We offer WhatsApp capture at no extra charge.

Bulk User Upload

Onboard users at scale through a simple yet comprehensive template that gets uploaded directly and securely to FirmScribe.

Proactive Alerting

Set your IT team's mind at ease with proactive alerting and regular notifications to know that your org is staying compliant 100% of the time.

Apple Authentication

Use a simple one-time code to enable Apple's multiple-device authentication pathways, eliminating unnecessary complexity

Message Backups

In 2020, we launched direct data feeds for customers who want to store additional copies of messaging history outside of their archive.

Historical Messages

We're able to go back and capture iMessages that have been sent and received even before your onboarding date.

Federated Authentication

If you're using one of Apple's supported 3rd party SSO partners like Microsoft Entra (aka Azure), and/or a 3rd party MFA solution, we've got you covered.

Bulk User Upload

Onboard users at scale through a simple yet comprehensive template that gets uploaded directly and securely to FirmScribe.

Apple Authentication

Use a simple one-time code to enable Apple's multiple-device authentication pathways, eliminating unnecessary complexity

Proactive Alerting

Set your IT team's mind at ease with proactive alerting and regular notifications to know that your org is staying compliant 100% of the time

Message Backups

In 2020, we launched direct data feeds for customers who want to store additional copies of messaging history outside of their archive.

Comply with Apple's Terms of Service

Aside from keeping you SEC and FINRA-compliant, we ensure compliance with Apple’s ToS because we're:
Free of Virtualization
We don’t cut corners by running multiple virtual copies of macOS inside of a single Mac.
Keeping Data Separate
Our customers' data is never on the same machine as another customer.
Not a Service Bureau
We never rent or lease machines, so you own the Mac and all that data on it.

Centralized Data Collection

We support some of the biggest names in compliance, making it easy for clients to centralize their data collection and seamlessly review iMessages along with other content.
Global Relay boasts over two decades of experience in providing industry-leading cloud archiving, compliance, and legal solutions tailored for financial and regulated organizations.
Proofpoint provides advanced protection by utilizing innovative cloud technology and a global intelligence platform that spans the most used communication channels.
Smarsh empowers businesses to focus on growth and innovation, backed by robust, cutting-edge solutions for seamless communication compliance management.